Sunday, November 25, 2007

Turkey Day 2007

This year we hosted Thanksgiving at the Humboldt house---a grand total of 13 people. It couldnt have been a more perfect day--crisp and cloudless with the temp in the late 40s all afternoon. Before dinner we met our friends out at the park for a game of ulitmate frisbee, and little soccer, basketball and even hoolahooping. A great way to kick off an evening of gluttony.

We all met back at our house a couple hours later for dinner---everyone chipped in and brought an extra table, chairs, dishes and utensils in addition to the dish or 2 that each person was assigned. The food was stellar---we werent missing a single delicious t-day staple! for dessert we had 2 pumpkin pies, 2 apple pies, a pecan pie, and 2 kinds of cookies with fresh whipping cream (everyone took turns whisking) and tons of ice cream! Of course there was a boat load of wine to be had and lots of lounging afterward. Oh, and the turkey? Couldn't have been better!

Even Tucker had a good time.

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