Saturday, November 3, 2007

Big Daddy Death

i was in full costume this halloween by about 6:30 in the am; i decided to dress up for work on account of there being a contest and prizes to be had--yeah prizes! it's weird to be pushing 30 and dressed as "big daddy death", sitting at your cubicle sipping coffee through a straw to avoid distrupting your mask or your makeup---i wanted to run out of the office and harrass the neighbors, do a little early morning trick or treating...i freakin' love halloween. i think i need to take the day off and do it right next year...

went out for a little spooky sushi with a couple friends of mine. S was a devil business guy (or something to that effect) and J was a zombie Dimebag Darrell. if this reference eludes you, google Pantera--the metal band of yester year.

i was SO excited to have kids come to my door this year---i love the costumes and the excitement and was giddy with anticipation. i was sorely dispapointed of course---it turns out that the kids get dolled up and are then taken by the truck loads to the mall, dowtown, and other business occupied sectors in Bellingham. how boring is that? are we so freaked out at the thought of approaching the homes of strangers that we "go shopping" for the candy with the kids at 4:30 and then wipe their faces clean just in time for an early halloween dinner at 6:00? i remember cruising the neighborhood with my friends, excitedly exploring the streets for lit front porches and eerily decorated homes. "which house looks like it would have the best candy?" you wonder. i remember passing hoards of other halloween goers in the streets, making sure as not to miss a single home and making second and third trips to the really good ones. and then, later in the night, let the candy trading begin! Halloween just isn't the same anymore and it makes me very sad...

So i decided to hit the bar and see if there were any costumes to be had in the adult category. i met up with my spooky sushi friends from earlier in the day. a very fun evening...

and now for the best costume of the evening. drum roll please..............


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