Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Smashing Good Time

who doesn't love a kicking the crap out of a big furry piniata? i mean WHO? boy oh boy, i lllooovvee piniatas. especially when it's in the form of a bright yellow chicken!!

so my good friends sara and isaiah (who used to live in bellingham and are now living in california) stopped in for a quick visit this sunday. it also happens to be isaiah's birthday later this month (dirty thirty!) so sara, the sly little girl that she is, got in touch with some of their friends in the area and had them meet at our place for a surprise bday party. this was great fun---i really dug their friends and thoroughly enjoyed shoving them in our extra room for the initial surprise. we all went out to lunch and then we relocated to the park for the final birthday surprise....CHICKEN PINIATA!

Adam: a swing and a miss
Sara with her ninja skills
Isaiah takes the prize
the final blow!

Adam, transporting the chicken the day before

how sweet...
the whole birthday crew

how amazing is this shirt?! what a score...

1 comment:

Sara said...

man that shirt is so bitchen! i am so glad that i bought it. i need to pull that sucker out and show 'er off.