Wednesday, February 27, 2008

This Made My Day!

Check this out:: this was posted by a friend of mine that I met when she was vacationing here in the PNW--she was having a light lunch and I was her lucky server. We hit it off immediately (the initial common thread being that she lives in IL :) ). Anyway, we've kept in touch via email ever since (I hope have a chance to CHAT with her very soon!) and I recently sent her a couple of my photos. Anyway, here's the link:


It was great to have someone excited about my work----even though it's stuff that I did ages ago. I've felt so distanced from my photographic work as of late but Karen's post and the fact that I'm leaving for NYC tomorrow morning (YAY!!!) has inspired me to ditch the laptop and bring my Rebel instead. I'm really looking forward to wandering the city and getting some sweet shots!

Hopefully I'll be posting some of them soon.


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