Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pedal-Powered Hogs; Oyster Run 2007

So it's been a week of work related frustration, sickness and chilly weather. wow, that's a 3 for 3 on the downer scale! HOWEVER, i did get to go for a really great ride with my friend, J-Doggers this past Sunday...

J and I decided to cruise to a sweet little town about 20 miles south of here. we took chuckanut drive along the water and then into the skagit valley flats to Edison, a tiny town with a population of about 150. Little did we know, this particular Sunday was also the day of the annual Oyster Run--a huge motorcycle rally that attracks somewhere in the ball park of 30,000 riders to Anacortes, a town south of Edison. thats a lot of motorcycles and a whole freakin lot of leather. So, of course when we got to Edison it was packed with bikers. we were so wonderfully out of place---it was great! i'd love to organize a group of cyclists to pedal down there again next year--maybe take the next day off, get a room and party with the bikers! Here are some pics from the trip:

This is J-dawg borrowing a biker's snazzy leather vest for a photo op. Look at how excited J is! and look at how not excited the biker guy is...

Now posing with the Hogs--pedal-powered and otherwise

A fresh vegetable and flower stand just outside of Edison. It's so pretty out there. The weather was perfect.

Back in Bellingham--best graffiti ever!

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