Saturday, December 1, 2007

My T-shirt is in the Running!!

So in case any of you were wondering, my weird pink octopus shirt that i designed is in the running on I would love it if you would take a little time, log on and cast a vote my way----if i get enough (high) votes (especially if you click the button at the top that says "I'd buy it!") then the shirt gets printed and goes up for sale!

Here's a quick link for you to do just that---> Vote for Tara's Octopink Shirt!

Thanks everyone for taking the time to support my somewhat feeble attempts at illustration :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

This is How I Feel Today

So tired of being sick.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Turkey Day 2007

This year we hosted Thanksgiving at the Humboldt house---a grand total of 13 people. It couldnt have been a more perfect day--crisp and cloudless with the temp in the late 40s all afternoon. Before dinner we met our friends out at the park for a game of ulitmate frisbee, and little soccer, basketball and even hoolahooping. A great way to kick off an evening of gluttony.

We all met back at our house a couple hours later for dinner---everyone chipped in and brought an extra table, chairs, dishes and utensils in addition to the dish or 2 that each person was assigned. The food was stellar---we werent missing a single delicious t-day staple! for dessert we had 2 pumpkin pies, 2 apple pies, a pecan pie, and 2 kinds of cookies with fresh whipping cream (everyone took turns whisking) and tons of ice cream! Of course there was a boat load of wine to be had and lots of lounging afterward. Oh, and the turkey? Couldn't have been better!

Even Tucker had a good time.

More Projects Completed

In addition to my first Threadless t-shirt submission, I've also managed to complete my first hat---let's hear it for hats!! Yes, it's misshapen and, yes, it's very big. But with the perfect (and hopefully very large) dome and a full head of hair it could be a great match. i have just the boy in mind--->Mr. Dylan, i hope you're ready to rock this hat! (This boy has the ability to make just about anything look super cute)

Here Adam is kindly modeling my newest creation. And check out that hoodie-->Adam embroidered that--i love it!!

I learned a very important lesson from this project---never stray from the pattern the first time around!

Here's some pics of Adam getting his embroidery on. When boys are crafty the hotness is intensified. It's a fact.

Tucker was also there for a little snuggle support.

Octopink T-Shirt

I'm a t-shirt junkie---most of you should know this about me by now. my favorite place ever to get t-shirts can be found here:

so i took the holiday weekend to submit a t-shirt design to Threadless in hopes of getting it accepted and possibly printed---how cool would that be?! anyway, this is what the shirt looks like and ill know in a couple days if it's been accepted.

ill be sure to let you all know if it's made it to the voting stage, in which case i would love it if you all could cast your vote (pretty please!)

click here to view on!

Friday, November 16, 2007

How Much Stuff Do We Really Need?!

Does anyone else feel like this?

I've noticed--and have been thoroughly irritated by--the fact that the business of christmas was already in full force by the very first of day of November--is this now the norm? I mean, why not start in June? i havent even started to think about stuffing my face with turkey and I'm already being assaulted by the xmas goblins...

SO. I dont know about you, but I'm pumped for Buy Nothing Day 2007. Here's a link:

more to come.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Big Daddy Death

i was in full costume this halloween by about 6:30 in the am; i decided to dress up for work on account of there being a contest and prizes to be had--yeah prizes! it's weird to be pushing 30 and dressed as "big daddy death", sitting at your cubicle sipping coffee through a straw to avoid distrupting your mask or your makeup---i wanted to run out of the office and harrass the neighbors, do a little early morning trick or treating...i freakin' love halloween. i think i need to take the day off and do it right next year...

went out for a little spooky sushi with a couple friends of mine. S was a devil business guy (or something to that effect) and J was a zombie Dimebag Darrell. if this reference eludes you, google Pantera--the metal band of yester year.

i was SO excited to have kids come to my door this year---i love the costumes and the excitement and was giddy with anticipation. i was sorely dispapointed of course---it turns out that the kids get dolled up and are then taken by the truck loads to the mall, dowtown, and other business occupied sectors in Bellingham. how boring is that? are we so freaked out at the thought of approaching the homes of strangers that we "go shopping" for the candy with the kids at 4:30 and then wipe their faces clean just in time for an early halloween dinner at 6:00? i remember cruising the neighborhood with my friends, excitedly exploring the streets for lit front porches and eerily decorated homes. "which house looks like it would have the best candy?" you wonder. i remember passing hoards of other halloween goers in the streets, making sure as not to miss a single home and making second and third trips to the really good ones. and then, later in the night, let the candy trading begin! Halloween just isn't the same anymore and it makes me very sad...

So i decided to hit the bar and see if there were any costumes to be had in the adult category. i met up with my spooky sushi friends from earlier in the day. a very fun evening...

and now for the best costume of the evening. drum roll please..............


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Long But Not Lost

i've had the pleasure of hearing from two long lost college friends this week--all a result of checking an ancient email address that i've been meaning to put to rest. both are traveling buddies of sorts so i have these wonderful memories of new and exotic places paired with mishaps and hilarity, exhaustion and excitement. traveling is magic and i miss it so much. even more, i miss these amazing friends that i never thought i would let slip away. and here we are 5 years later trying to get each other up to speed over email. i've really done a piss poor job of maintaining connections with the people that i care about. note to self: stop being such a shitty friend.

ok! so enough of that, right?

so my obsession with knitting continues. i'm on the hunt for a sweet fingerless glove class so that i can start cranking some of them out for xmas gifts. I am also in the market for a simple and satisfying hat pattern. i've been a little embarrassed about my new found love of yarn and the craftiness of it. sure some of its' attractiveness is obvious; the color and texture, the social aspect of hangin' with other saucy knitters, going to the shops which are so fun and inviting. but there is the other part of knitting that makes me cringe; that it's for the quiet and domesticated, childrearing, conservative, and mild mannered female. i talked to my mom on the phone today and squealed to her about the new knitting book that i bought earlier in the day. she sounded a little freaked and when questioned said that she thought it was "weird". clearly, she thinks i've gone soft. so i got to thinking today about why i like it so much and i realized a couple things.
1. being crafty is rad
2. people who knit are rad
3. there is a rhythm to it that i find very soothing. it evens me out a little and helps me to focus and simplify my thoughts. you know how some of you meditate? yeah, that never worked for me. but this might be my meditation.
4. it's about the process and it's stripped down---each stitch is carefully set in place. it's tedious only if you let it, in which case it's time to take a break. much like making art or music. i haven't always been great at reveling in and appreciating the creative process and i think that knitting helps this part of me just a teeny tiny bit.

in other news, i took another amazing stroll with Adam and Tucker--it's been freakishly warm and the afternoon colors were fantastic.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Blog Slacker

yes, it's been 2 weeks since my last post--been busy wtih the everyday and have been feeling just a wee bit uninspired overall (i know, let's blame it on the rainy weather!) but im back on the horse, i tell ya, so here it goes...

this weekend was just what i needed; stunning fall weather, lot's of time spent with adam and tuck, caught up with friends whom i feel like i haven't seen in ages, went for walks at whatcom falls and lake padden, and took photos--lots of them. the light was warm and the air was crisp with deep blue skies and LOTS of color. granted, i had a ton of stuff to do indoors, but i just couldnt help myself--i know all too well that the winter will be dreary so im doing my best to enjoy the out of doors while i can.

there was a gorgeous sunset on friday night--we were in the yard and adam and tucker were kind enough to model for me. tucker found the sunset to be quite delicious.

on one of my afternoon walks with tuck i found myself drawn to the deep colors and shadows of the changing trees and brush crowding the residential sidewalks.

and then of course the fantastic textures and striking lines that i often see when we take the quieter gravel alley ways. i love the mismatched sheds and forgotten objects in the back alleys of bellingham.

lately ive been thinking a little about preservation and the suspension of time--our tendency as a species to try to control the world around us, stop time, dwell on the past. photography is of course the suspension of a moment in time. these moments are captured and become objects that are collected and filed away.

in conjunction with these thoughts, i made little objects out of resin which i mixed and left to harden overnight in tupperware containers. with these first two, i wanted to concentrate on color and texture with very little mind to composition so that i could test the viscosity of the resin, drying time, etc. though these were meant as tests, i really enjoyed photographing them and am considering building larger, more involved pieces. adam was quick to point out that they make terrific objects and would look great framed or in shadow boxes. the blue one was quite a bit less successful and i obviously went nuts with the cicada encased in resin. there's a suggested narrative--a quality that i wasnt anticipating. any thoughts on these shots would be appreciated. im really excited to make more. im going to hunt for more appropriate molds for the resin later this week.

im also quite found of this--a random shot that i took in our backyard (painting supplies that have gone overlooked). i love the milky water with strange things lurking undeneath. so eerie and strangely beautiful. i reccommend clicking on this image to get a closer look.

that's all for tonight. sleep well.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Sunday Snooze

Wow. It's rainy and cold here in the 'ham. Is it winter already? I just checked the 10 day weather forecast; rain across the board--till Tues October 9th at the very least....really? Though I've enjoyed the last couple days---hot tea, lots of cooking, snuggling with the dog, movies, books--i just don't know if im ready to hibernate yet. i suppose it's a good reason to work and catch up on things, do all of the indoor stuff that i felt too guilty doing when it was nice outside...

This weekend was a cozy one:

Tucker and i have been wearing our sweaters and dragging blankets around--from the couch, to the futon, to the recliner, back to the couch. I've been enjoying the sound of the rain and the quiet in the house, the faintness of the radio--jazz and npr--wafting in and out; a nice compliment to the band that i could hear practicing across the alley. days like this are sleepy and slow...

i spent most of my day lounging and cooking and thinking. just recently ive started a knittiing class with a good friend of mine (i realy love it so far) so the last couple days have begun with a cup of coffee and my gnarled little mess of practice stitches--the rhythm of the needles is addictive--im determined to perfect some of the simpler stitches...

for dinner i made a vegetable barley soup (which was surprisingly tastey) and some corn bread. good stuff. soup and bread is about all i want to make when the weather is like this. falling asleep just reading my own blog post--what a snoozer! i hope to have something thoughtful and/or interesting to share later in the week. hope you're all keeping warm and are finding a way to enjoy this messy weather.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Pedal-Powered Hogs; Oyster Run 2007

So it's been a week of work related frustration, sickness and chilly weather. wow, that's a 3 for 3 on the downer scale! HOWEVER, i did get to go for a really great ride with my friend, J-Doggers this past Sunday...

J and I decided to cruise to a sweet little town about 20 miles south of here. we took chuckanut drive along the water and then into the skagit valley flats to Edison, a tiny town with a population of about 150. Little did we know, this particular Sunday was also the day of the annual Oyster Run--a huge motorcycle rally that attracks somewhere in the ball park of 30,000 riders to Anacortes, a town south of Edison. thats a lot of motorcycles and a whole freakin lot of leather. So, of course when we got to Edison it was packed with bikers. we were so wonderfully out of place---it was great! i'd love to organize a group of cyclists to pedal down there again next year--maybe take the next day off, get a room and party with the bikers! Here are some pics from the trip:

This is J-dawg borrowing a biker's snazzy leather vest for a photo op. Look at how excited J is! and look at how not excited the biker guy is...

Now posing with the Hogs--pedal-powered and otherwise

A fresh vegetable and flower stand just outside of Edison. It's so pretty out there. The weather was perfect.

Back in Bellingham--best graffiti ever!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Hey Designers >> A Blog Worth Mentioning

So one of the most resourceful Graphic Design blogs that I've had the pleasure of stumbling upon (and have already highlighted in my links of things to check out) is authored by David Airey, a designer based out of Edinburgh, Scotland. This particular blog is chock full of interesting topics and tips which prompts interesting discussions amidst other designers and visual arists. i haven't had a chance to check everything out on the site---the amount of information seems endless--but i've really enjoyed and appreciated most of the things that i've read so far. don't know how the guy finds the time quite honestly, but i'm impressed.

Anyway, it just so happens that he also has a pretty fantastic $4,000 prize draw going on right now. here's a link if you're interested-->


Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Day of Random Things

Felt a little scattered today---its been a very quiet house; Adam and the roomie have escaped to Canada for various bike related activities. So Tuck (my fiery little schnauzer) and I have been flying it solo. Just a couple things I'd like to share.

Stumbled upon a yard sale today and i found these gems:

i fell in love with the metal skeletons--aren't they great? Both menacing and adorable. Just in time for halloween, though i plan to keep it as a permanent fixture in my front room. The ornaments are antique and are heavy little buggers. There is an outer cracked shell and an inner mirrored surface. They are so wonderful and ive been racking my brain all day for the best place to put them.

SO. lately ive been thinking about the suspension of time...moments captured and filed away, manpulated and deconstructed. The idealization of images and memories; our own concepts of personal history and experience. of course these notions carry over to my thoughts regarding photography and our increasingly aggressive media, I read a book by Susan Sontag a long time ago called "On Photography" and I would like to wrap up this rambling thought with a quote from someone who really knows what they're talking about:

"To collect photographs is to collect the world. Movies and television programs light up walls, flicker, and go out; but with still photographs the image is also an object, lightweight, cheap to produce, easy to carry about, accumulate, store...To photograph is to appropriate the thing photographed. It means putting oneself into a certain relation to the world that feels like knowledge -- and, therefore, like power." ~Susan Sontag, On Photography

While i was thinking about this stuff today, i couldnt stop looking at this cicada suspended in a soap bar. This was a gift that adam and i received from his mom. she always sends us the coolest stuff.

oh yeah, and i also got a new sweater for my dog---he's been a little chilly as a result of his most recent haircut. he's rockin some serious granny style in this pic.

Poor dog.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

A Bike Ride, Rotten Crab & a Friend

The weather often seems to change overnight in Bellingham and sure enough, the switch has been flipped to fall. Yesterday was gorgeous; a mostly clear, cloudless sky, a slight breeze and changing colors. a perfect day for a bike ride. after work i raced home, grabbed the ol' saddlebags and hit the road. i love my bike. her name is Vera and she's a beautiful Bianchi Volpe.

so i took back roads to Ferndale, a town just north of here. it felt great--i desparately needed to clear my head, neutralize frustrations from work, think positive thoughts. as i rode, i took mental notes of things that i might want to take photos of on the way back (the light would be better then). these things included:

a weird america mural at "Jack's Bomb Shack". i wouldve taken more, but it was a creepy place and a guy that i couldnt see started yelling at me.

an abandoned car. youve seen a million photos like this one before im sure. it's a classic!

beautiful corrugated siding. deteriorating objects are definitely a weakness of mine.

i had also passed what appeared to be a dead kitten on the side of the road. it caught me off guard. i couldnt stop thinking about it and i made a mental note to stop on my way back---what if it wasnt dead, but sick? were there more kitties somewhere close by? if the kitten isnt dead, what the heck am i gonna do with it--stick it in my saddlebag?

so i kept my eyes peeled and sure enough, the poor thing is still there, dead as a doornail. and within 8 feet of the dead kitty, emerging out of a gnarled mess of blackberries what do i see? 2 sweet and very scared kittens, one white and gray with striking silver eyes and the other black with blue eyes.

though a fairly low traffic country road, the cars that do travel in this area tend to gun it. and there isnt a home or farm of any kind for miles. the kittens have obviously been abandoned--they had either lost their mother or had been dumped by careless local assholes. so i stop and the kittens race back into the dense blackberry jungle.

now, im not a cat person. im allergic and find their aloofness to be off putting most of the time, but i was determined to save these terrified little fur balls from the murder box death that probably awaits them. and i dont have kitty calling skills--how the heck do i draw them out of these bushes? so i hang out, talking to the bushes like a moron (the rest of the property is marked off by barbed wire fence), "here kitty kitty ....meow, MEOW!". i wait. i have a seat in a gravel driveway. and i hear little mews. there's a load of disgusting rotten crab meat to my left which leads into the blackberry cover and the kitties appear. they look at me quizzically and they start munching on the crab rot. gross.

so i call a friend who brings a truck (to the rescue!!). i managed to snatch one of the kitties after positioning myself close to the crab and channeling my ninja creeping skills. it was the black one, who freaked out and put up a good kitty fight, but then settled down and eventually took a little snooze in the warmth of my armpit.

i wasnt able to coax the gray one out. my friend called the humane society and a cop and humane animal control person showed up. they were both very nice and most helpful---the black kitty is safe and the humane society will be setting a live trap for the gray one. but im still worried. i want to call and see if the gray one is ok. its hard to keep myself from going back. "HERE, KITTY KITTY!"

So if any on you are looking for a sweet kitty to take in, please call the whatcom humane society @ 360.733.2080. the little black one (and hopefully the gray one) will be available for adoption in 2 wks. when you call, tell them it was kitty found on ferndale rd in between marine dr and slater.

thanks again for all of your help, S.H.!